Sandy's Blog

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Psychic Development Tip # 10 - Meditation


This psychic development tip is about meditation.  In several earlier tips I mentioned that mediation is very important in your psychic development, and in fact is it’s cornerstone.  My next few tips will help you to achieve deeper and better meditations and reap all the benefits that go with that.  If you already know how to meditate you may want to skip these, but even experienced meditators may pick up a few good tips!

Meditation involves learning to still your mind and control it, and your thoughts.  Once you really understand that concept, it’s easy to understand why meditation is so important for aspiring psychics, channels and mediums to learn.  After all, we all know now that we create our world with our thoughts!  And in my last few psychic development tips you learned how easy it is for thoughts to be transferred from one person to another (telepathy).  Do you really want to do that unconsciously?  Of course meditation...

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Psychic Development Tip #1 - The Moon's Effect On Us


Psychic Development Tip #1 - The Moon's Effect On Us

This TIP begins my brand new series of Psychic Development Tips. This is a new series, not to be confused with my Psychic PROTECTion tips. 

(To receive my Psychic PROTECTION tips Course, click here)

Often my psychic development students ask me if the moon's cycles or even the time of the year can have an effect on their psychic sensitivity as well as their emotions.

The answer is yes.

Almost everyone is aware these days that the full moon certainly does affect people's emotions.  It's a fact that mental institutions, prisons, and police forces usually have more staff on during the full moon, or at least expect more activity.  But what many people don't know is that what strongly affects your emotions also affects your psychic sensitivity.  For some people that's a good thing, for others it's not so good.

Are you the person who responds to stress positively, and takes intelligent action when faced with...

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